Saturday, January 10, 2009

Is it like this for you?

Today as we were cleaning up the house, Saturday is a special day . . ., I thought I would keep track of the amount of hair accessories that I picked up. This is a common occurance with three girls, and one little boy who is always sucking/chewing on a ponytail holder (Why? Don't ask, I don't know). Every day I manage to put away at least ten different accessories. I'm not sure why this happens every day. I know that I don't put this many items in my girls hair everyday, but I sure put away a lot. Is this a normal thing for any of you? I must admit it frustrates me greatly! Every where I turn . . . bobby pin here . . . barrette there . . . it is getting a little tiring!


Carlye Momma said...

Not so much with the hair accessories but I did have to have a Spongebob bandaid come to my rescue this morning on my toe from jamming it on a car toy! GOOD GRIEF! I tell ya that's all I EVER do is pick up toys out from under my feet!

Becky said...

Totally!!! Now, I just vaccuum them up! And all the stupid polly pocket clothes/shoes. I don't think we have anymore left.