Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blub! Blub!

So I am getting Brevin in the truck and he looks under the seat and grabs the two cars that are under there (I'm sure none of you have anything under your seats :). I then proceed to put him in his seat, at which point he starts to yell at me something about Elmo, or that was what I thought. I tell him he needs to stop yelling and crying and to use his words. He then says "Blub! Blub!". What the . . . I look at Caitlyn to see if she knows what he is talking about and she justs shrugs her shoulders. Then Brevin starts pointing to the floor and says "Blub! Blub!" yet again. So I look under the seat and low and behold the is a Littlest Pet Shop Fish that has the coloring of Nemo (Elmo and Nemo sound very similar from his mouth). He wanted the fish. He is silly in the fact that he calls most animals by the noise they make and apparently fish say "Blub! Blub!".


Tim and Vicky Porter said...

that is funny. I love little kids!

Anonymous said...

How come my kids don't say cute things like that? They just get sassy and go to time out!!! Brevin is adorable.

Amy said...

Your cakes are amazing! CNA, nursing school, 4 kids, wow things change quick, don't they?! So good to hear from you!

Nicole said...

I love little Brevin, that is so cute. I haven't noticed him calling the fishy snacks at nursery blub blub before, I'll now know what he wants if he does!