Friday, May 22, 2009


Our "backdoor" neighbors got a new puppy, his name is Duke. Brevin LOVES him. He takes it upon himself to wander out on to the deck and call for him. It makes me laugh every time! I'll be in the bedroom or office and hear him yelling "DUUUUUUUKE!" over and over again. When Duke is outside he travel down to the fence and pet him under the fence and coax him under. Not a small feat, if you consider that Duke is a Saint Bernard. We have had to walk Duke back home more than a few times, and I always feel bad, because it is my kids that get him to crawl under, but at his growth rate, I doubt it will continue for much longer!

"DUUUUUUUKE!!" Can you see those cute lips all puckered up calling his friend?

This is a very unhappy boy, when Duke is not outside to play!

1 comment:

Greg and Jenny's family said...

HEY sister! I love your blog. What a beautiful family you have. I sent you and invite to my blog on your email.