Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Dilyn!

Happy Birthday Dilyn! I am very behind on my blogging, so in an attempt to catch up, I had to start by wishing my sweet Silly Dilly a belated Happy Birthday! Dilyn was born, very quickly, on September 3rd, 2003. My doctor induced me a week early and less than an hour after he broke my water, Dilyn was born by the nurse and John, without even one push from me. The doctor came in to the room just after John had cut the cord. Dilyn was my smallest baby weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces.

When we found out we were having our third little girl, I was so excited! I was terrified of having a boy. I was supremely shocked and disappointed how others reacted to us having a third girl. Dilyn was such a beautiful baby! How could I not be excited to have such a sweet little girl come into our home!

Dilyn's first Christmas!

Dilyn at 9 months old . . . she was the sweetest baby! Very easy going and so happy!

Dilyn's first birthday.

She always has a smile on her cute little face!

She loved her pacifier!

And she loved her bottle! I loved this, she rocked herself to sleep in the rocking chair.

Cute, right?!

Dilyn is a wonderful big sister! She loves those sisters too!

She loves her swimming suit and loves to swim!

One day when she was about 2, Dilyn just disappeared. I knew I hadn't heard the door open, so I thought she had to be in the house somewhere. After a few minutes I started to panic, I kept calling and calling her name, but she wouldn't answer. I walked in to my closet for the second time and I finally saw her, curled up on a pillow under my clothes!

How can you not love that face!

Dilyn loves to dance!

And she loves to play dress-up. Doesn't she look fabulous!

Did I mention that she used to call herself Dilyn Princess Jade Baker! When asked her name, that was her response.

My sweet Dilyn . . . Love you!!


Becky said...

Happy Birthday, Dilyn! What a cute girl!

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday cute girl! Love the pics so fun to see her baby pics too!She has a beautiful smile!

BS said...

absolutely ADORABLE