Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Excitement and Apprehension!

The excitement is more for Caitlyn and the Apprehension is for me! Tonight I took the night off work and took my "baby" to her Middle School Orientation! Can you say freak-out!? I am excited for Cait to go to Middle School, but I just can't believe she is actually "ready"! It doesn't seem that long ago that I held that sweet, albeit, large baby in my arms (you know she weighed 10.3 when she was born, right?). I have been asking her if she is excited, to which she responds "No.". I asked her what she was thinking/feeling about it. She of course responds to me "Nothing.". After the orientation and we walked around the school, she finally admitted that she was excited, she was of course very serious when she said it. Love you Caitlyn! I am very excited for you! Just promise me you will always be my sweet little baby!


Christenson's said...

Wierd moment isn't it!! so what did she decide choir/art or band? She and I were discussing this yesterday!!

Caitlyn Baker said...

Mom I will be your little sweet heart and I am excited to see what the rest looks like.

Becky said...

Oh my goodness! That is hard to believe. I clearly remember bringing Chloe to Caitlyn's 4th birthday. Where does the time go?

Brooke said...

Wow! She is so grown up! I'm scared for those days to come for me. I'm doing good to get through first grade!

Nicole said...

I can't believe she is that big, wow. Time really does fly doesn't it. She is so cute. Wish her luck!