Friday, March 20, 2009

It is time!

I have the strong desire to put this off . . . I don't want to do it . . . it is my least favorite thing in the world . . . but I really have to do it. POTTY TRAINING! Brevin will be three in July and starting Preschool in the Fall. It has to be done by then, but needs to start now. I don't have great luck with it. I would rather give birth several days in a row. I really think he is ready, which doesn't make me happy. He will tell me right after he has wet his diaper and lay down to be changed. That is a good sign . . . right? I will sit on the potty and even ask to go potty, but he has yet to put anything in to the potty except a lot of toilet paper. I need HELP! I need some great, wonderful, fabulous ideas! Please, I am begging you, my friend! Please tell me what has/did work for you. My hope is to start next weekend, it will take me a week to work/talk myself into it! Thank you in advance! I will update you as we go aong, unless for some unknown reason I get hit by a car or train . . . accidently of course! ;)


Christenson's said...

I did the potty train in 3 days plan with Hayden and it worked great!! (It did not however work for Olivia or Canyon) You just have to set 3 days aside go nowhere and spend the entire 3 days potty training.... there is a little more to it I'll try and remember and let you know. He was trained in the 3 days though! I think it didn't work with the younger 2 because my life was too busy to give my entire attention to it.

Amanda said...

When I potty trained Tim, we made a special trip to the dollar store and he got to pick out things he really liked. Plus, I got some of his favorite candy/gum. Then I wrapped them up and everytime he would use the toilet, he could choose a gift. Tim was trained in about a week during the day and a month for the night. I also did the no underwear/pants when I was home during the day. I didn't do the pull-ups because they are so much like diapers. Good luck!!

Brooke said...

Gotta be one of the worst things about being a parent! Takes a lot of time and patience. None of which I have (especially when you have other children!) Good luck girl!

Becky said...

Oh man, I hate potty training. I don't believe in pull-ups either. I think if they have an accident, they need to be able to feel how yucky it is. Sorry, I don't have any wonderful tips. Good luck!

Teresa said...

Good Luck! I hate potty training too. My sister got a book from the library. It was about potty training in one day. She swears by it and had both of her boys trained in a day. She just finished training her youngest and he wasn't even two yet, so it must work. I have been lucky. My last two girls pretty much trained themselves, but so not looking forward to the last.