Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Year of School!

Can you believe it!? School is up and running again! The girls are all back in school, Brevin starts next week with Pre-school. So far, all is looking good! And so far they seem to be enjoying it! YAY!

Haidyn was the first to start back... She is in the 5th grade and she has a team teaching thing this year. I am not very excited about that. Caitlyn had team teachers for 4th grade and I was NOT impressed. Hopefully this years team teachers will be better.

Dilyn is now in 1st grade! All day! With lunch! She is such a good student! She has good friends in her class and she is really liking it!

I especially love the face paint!

Caitlyn is an 8th grader! ARGH! Where has the time gone! She is excited about MOST of her teachers... That is all we can ask for!

1 comment:

Carlye Momma said...

Wait, I thought I commented already. Happy back to school ladies. You all look darling!