Saturday, May 23, 2009

Midnight Visitor

For the last several months, or so, we have been exchanging "gifts" with our next door neighbors, the Christensons. The "gift" is this big stuffed German Shepard. Olivia apparently purchased the dog at a garage sale. Olivia's mom, Tiffany (great name if you ask me), was attempting to de-junkher house and decided to toss the lovely animal, but on her way out to the garbage, decided to place the dog in our trailer. Later that day, I was leaving the house and caught a glimpse of the dog in the trailer and it scared me, I thought it was a real dog (there is a story of a german shepard chasing me to schol when I was a child, but that is a different story for a different day). Dilyn decided to adopt the dog for a time. Then one day, I got tired of it being around my house and decided that the garbege was truly the place where this animal belonged. On my way out to the garbage, I noticed that the Christenson's garage was opened, and knowing the day and time and that Tiffany would be leaving shortly for dance, I decided to place the dog in her garage right in front of the door for her to stumble upon as she left her house. It is my understanding that she screamed, just a little! Thus began the back and forth giving of "gifts". You never know when or where he will show up!

One night we found an early Christmas gift out in John's car.

We got a late night visitor at our hotel in Clearfield the night before a dance competition.

1 comment:

Becky said...

That is hilarious.