Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bakin' Fool!

This week I have been a woman obsessed! I have been obsessed with baking and cooking! I don't know why, well, actually I do. Let me share . . . I had a wedding cake for Saturday, but that was only a portion. I know this is surprising, but I have been a rebellious soul when it comes to food storage. Not that I don't want to do it, I do, I really do, but when I start thinking about it and the amount of food I need to still get it becomes overwhelming. The thought of the amount of wheat one should have seems slightly ridiculous, and once I have it what am I going to do with it? I have nothing against making stuff from scratch, I make just about everything from scratch, except mac & cheese, but on occasion make that from scratch too. But until this week I had never made bread. It intimidated me, not sure why, but it did. I started this past year making rolls and scones, and this week I finally took on bread! And if I do say so myself, it was delicious! Last week I was at an Enrichment Board meeting and after attempting to argue my pathetic side, I was told that I needed to be hit upside the head and just accept it and follow it. So this was my attempt to follow the teachings that I have been presented with. No, I did not grind my own wheat, but I actually did buy wheat flour, for the first time. I am taking steps in trying to improve my attitude.

Isn't it pretty? Then I made dinner every night this last week. No eating out, nothing from a box. And I must say, we ate really good this week and we had homemade bread for almost every meal. Then, yesterday I had a wedding cake to do for a sweet young friend of mine. Karyn and Matt were married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple yesterday! I am so happy for them! Karyn asked if I would make her cake, and I was excited to do so. I have the habit of getting very stressed out when I do wedding cakes, to the point where I can't sleep and almost every time I say I won't do another one, but I always do. This time, for some reason I didn't get stressed out. I love it when they look as good as I have them planned out in my head, that doesn't always happen, but it sure is nice when they do!

What do you think? The bride was very happy how it turned out, and that is the best part! Now I am off to make another batch of bread and my kids want to make some soft pretzels for a treat. Another busy day in the world of a mom.


dan and audrey said...

wow Tiffany that cake is beautiful! great job on making dinner every night too. this is something i'm trying to do and it actually gets easier... its hard at first but once you get in the routine i think it's a bit easier. now we don't have home made bread but thats in the future... maybe! probably not.

Millett Family said...

Wow! That cake is beautiful,good job!!

Becky said...

WOW Tiffany! Your cake is awesome! And your bread looks fabulous! I can't believe that was your first try. You are very talented.

If you find yourself baking too many cookies for some reason, I will take your extras, especially since I missed out on all your Christmas goodies. I like cookies.

Christenson's said...

That cake is sooo pretty good job!! Your bread looks good too, but what else would you expect!!

Brooke said...

You're amazing! I absolutely hate to cook. It's a good thing my husband does! The cake looks so good! You should start a business for sure!

Carlye Momma said...

Oh my heck Tiffany!!! That cake is amazing! I wish I could bake like that! SHEESH! I'm going to have to hang out with you a little more often so you can teach me!

P.s. Caitlyn is HI-LA-RI-OUS. That is all. :-)

Ashley and Andrew said...

WOW- I knew you mad cakes but I didn't realize to what extent!!! I thought you just knew how to decorate kids cakes or something ;) You bread looks awesome... I'm glad your first experience with the whole wheat thing turned out so great- nice job!

Anonymous said...

Ummm, hello, where is MY birthday cake??? Just kidding. You are so talented at everything you try, so I'm not surprised that cake and bread are no different. Good job on the dinners; that is my personal struggle in life... that and taming Dannon. (sigh)

Tim and Vicky Porter said...

That cake is amazing!!!!!