Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today would be my Dad's 59th birthday. Last year my Dad's youngest sister gave me a couple of discs with pictures on it and they are so neat! I just had to share a few of them. And you have to understand that up until a few years ago, I had never seen a picture of my Dad as a child or teen. There were so many great pictures, I could look at them for hours! Lucky for you I didn't post too many. I hope you enjoy them half as much as I do!
I love this picture! It would have to be Christmas morning with all their loot! That would be my Dad by the tree. He was the oldest, then Angelia, who is holding the dog, and Brenda, the youngest, is in between them.

Okay, most of the pictures of my Dad were him without a shirt, luckily this one he is fully clothed! :) I can only assume that this was in front of their house. I love the girls with their tightly curled hair. I know that was the style, and I know they laugh at it now, so I can't help giggle about it. I love my Dad's stance with his arms folded across his chest.

I love the laughter and love in this picture. This is my Grandpa, who actually died the same year as my Dad did. From what I have heard about him, he was a very loving man. I wish I had had the opportunity to get to know him too.

I about wet myself when I saw this picture. My Dad with a tuba!? I had no clue and I still have no clue as to when or for how long. These are just a few of the questions I have for him. One day I hope to have the opportunity to ask him many, many things. Isn't he cute!

I LOVE this picture! Doesn't he look so cool! I think this could be a beer advertisement. I'm sure my Mom will not be pleased that I am putting a picture of my Dad with an Old Milwaukie beer in his hand, but I just had to. You have to understand that my Dad had a bit of an ego. He had to being an Army Test Pilot. You can't put your life on the line every day and not have an ego and this picture shows that ego and I LOVE it! But he loved to fly. How many people can say they love what they do and love to get up every day and go to work. My Dad could. My Dad wasn't perfect, he had many flaws, like most of us do, but he was amazing! He was and is my Dad and I love him so much. I look forward to the day when I get to put my arms around him, I wonder if I will ever let go . . .

I miss you and I love you Dad! Happy Birthday!


Becky said...

Thanks for sharing, Tiffany! It must have been really neat for you to get all those pictures and discover new things about your dad. And, WOW, I can really see a resemblance! Sorry about your loss.

Christenson's said...

What a great post!! I too see some resemblance, I think your sister however looks even more like him!! Thanks for sharing those are fun pictures!

Tim and Vicky Porter said...

How sweet is that! I love the pictures.

Nicole said...

I love these pictures. I am the type that could look at old photos and albums for hours though. They were perfect and I'm sure they are such a treasure to you. Thanks for sharing.