Saturday, January 10, 2009

New for me!

For the past 11 1/2 years of motherhood, I have played my fair share of Barbies, Dolls and dressup. Now I get to play cars! I must admit, I never thought I would be doing this after having three girls! I love it when Brevin grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall to play cars with his mom. (What is really great is when he won't let his sisters play, cause he just wants to play with mom, and they sit back on the sideline looking eagerly on in hopes of one rolling past so they can roll it back to him!)


Millett Family said...

What a cutie!! I was just the opposite,when the "PINK" hit our house I didn't know what to do!!

Carlye Momma said...

I LOVE it! That's pretty much a daily thing here and it really is pretty sweet! You could send your girls on over to my house if you ever need a break (oh Brevin too) so I can have some girl time! :-) Your baby boy is pretty stinkin chewy I must say!!!!

Brooke said...

He's so sweet! Aren't boys fun?