Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day Mom!

So as some of you may know. I was a butt head and did nothing for my wife on her birthday. I guess I thought that we do not have the money to do anything fun, but that is no excuse for not doing at least something. Not only did I do nothing but I wasn’t even the first one to tell her happy birthday, my dad was of all people. I didn’t even remind my own children of it, although that night when we went out with friends I asked the kids to try to make her cards. Yet again I did nothing, no card, no happy birthday, nothing. I tried later that night and even the next day, but it just did not work out for me. It wasn’t until my sweet bride said something to me a few days after the fact. But then at that point it is too late. Nothing would make up for my doing nothing, its just out of guilt now. I must say that to this day I feel so bad, and I know that this will not make up for it, and that you, Tiffany, will not let me live it down for the entire year. I’ll I can say is that I deserve it. So here it goes. I have to share some of the things that I love about my wife on this Valentines Day.

1. I love that you get up each day, get ready, and look beautiful before I get home from work.
2. You are one amazing cook, we eat so go. (Just look at me I love to eat)
3. You love to watch NASCAR with me, and go to the race. (Vegas baby)
4. I love that you scrapbook, it’s so fun to look back on the memories.
5. I love that when ever you call me or I call you, you ask if I am naked.
6. You have put up with me for all of these years, I don’t know why, but I love you for it…
7. I love that you enjoy to work, and teach our children the importance of school and work.
8. You make me laugh.
9. I love the way that you have been doing your hair.
10. I love the way you cut my hair.

This is just some of the reasons that I love you Tiffany. I love all that you do for me; I truly hope that I can make it up to you this year. You make me so happy...

I asked each of my children to give me a list of at least 10 things that they love about mom. We will start with Cait, who at first e-mailed me some things that I should do.
1. Buy her almond joys. 2. Make her cards. 3. Make Valentines. 4. Make a list of "10 Ways I Love you". 5. Take her to dinner. 6. Take her to a movie.
All of which are great things. I then asked her again to tell me what she loves about mom, and again this is what I got. “Why not do something nice”, yes I total agree. In fact one of the items on the chore list for our children is to do something nice for one of there siblings without them knowing. I need to do that also… So yet again I asked Cait for that list and this is what I got.

1. Her cooking.
2. She is loving.
3. Going shopping.
4. She is nice.
5. Doing my hair.
6. Helping with homework.
7. She is happy.
8. Taking me to lunch.
9. Taking care of me when I am sick.
10. Getting me a soda. “like you should be drinking it or me for that matter”

I asked Haidyn the same thing; this is what she e-mailed to me.

1. I love the presents.
2. The clothes that she wears.
3. The food she makes.
4. She is my favorite mom.
5. The games that me and her play.
6. The puzzles we do.
7. The stuff she buys me.
8. The name she gave me.
9. The things she does for me.
10. The things that she gets for me.

I love it. Both of them came up with some great things and I am sure that they could each come up with more.

So Dilyn’s turn to give me a list. (with Haidyn’s help as the scribe)

1. The presents she gives me.
2. The toys she buys me.
3. I love WOC (I could not figure this one out.)
4. I like that she takes me to fun places
5. I like that she takes me out to eat. (To the star) that’s Carl’s Jr.
6. She lets me go to my friend’s house.
7. She buys me books.
8. She takes me to preschool.
9. She helps me.
10. She takes care of me.
11. She picked my name. (I believe dad picked her name)

Now this one is kinda fun and hard to do, but let’s see what Brevin says. So I asked him what he likes about mommy.

1. Cakes. I am not sure where that came from. Maybe because we have some frosting that mom made for the sugar cookies. I come into the kitchen this morning to find him with the tub on the floor, open, and him eating the frosting…
2. Snowman. He was looking out the window at that time.
3. Drinks. He was looking at my drink on the counter.
4. Piggies. I am not sure on that one. Mom loves to collect pigs.
5. Pizza, pizza, pizza. We had pancakes for breakfast, not sure on that one ether.

But in all, it was fun to find out from each one of them how they felt about mom.

Tiffany, mom, you are the one that keeps our house going, we love you and need to show our appreciation towards you more often. Thanks for all that you do.


Millett Family said...

John I agree...she is a great lady! Too bad I have missed out on her for the last couple of years.

Ashley and Andrew said...

SOOOO SWEET!!! I think it totally made up (and then some) for the birthday ooops!!! Nice job John & kids!

Becky said...

That was really nice. Hopefully that will get you out of the doghouse, John.

Amy said...

That was so cute! What a nice way to try and dig yourself out of a bad situation! You must feel pretty special after that Tiff!