Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dance . . . Christmas Style!!

One of my favorite things at Christmas is watching my girls dance . . . Well, that is one of my favorite things to do anytime! I am so proud of them! They are so amazing! I love to watch them as they continue to progress with their abilities. They never fail to bring tears to my eyes!

This year was no different in the tears department . . . I had failed to realize that I worked the night before . . . so I got home at 6:00 AM and they had to be there and ready at 10:15 . . . so needless to say, with less than 2 hours sleep, I was tired and emotional and I know I offended and was rude to a few people along the way . . . oops.

Dilyn danced to "Santa Baby". Check the bling on her finger! Dilyn has come such a long ways! From running off the stage crying to just standing there scowling to now doing her entire performance! Fabulous girl! Just fabulous!!

Haidyn is becoming very accomplished in her Ballet! Of course, she tells me it is her least favorite.

Haidyn was a present in the production number . . . I love this picture of her . . . isn't she beautiful!!

My only complaint this year was that Caitlyn only performed one dance and it was the production number . . . didn't get to see her dance much, but thanks to an extremely short costume, we saw LOTS of her!! Can you tell which one she is?!

I love these beautiful girls!

1 comment:

Lynette said...

LOVE it!! Your girls are so beautiful!!! I love the whole dance thing, It is becoming so much fun!!