Saturday, March 13, 2010

Freaking Cute . . . but he talks!

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love this little boy! I mean, seriously? Can you deny he is freaking cute!? Well today, I went to lunch with my best friend Lynette. I took Brevin with me, he is and was very well behaved. That is until we had someone sit behind us . . . someone who happened to be a bit on the big side. To which my son tapped me and said "Mom . . . look! That guy is fat!". I shushed him and said we don't say that, but I didn't satisfy him . . . he wanted me to acknowledge what he was saying was true . . . so he said it again. I managed to get my hand over his mouth so you couldn't hear him, but that also made him cry. I again told him we don't say that . . . but still he was not satisfied. After he was done with his tears, he said it again . . . so I was forced to agree with him so he would stop.

A few weeks back, I was getting home from work and John was heading out the door to work . . . Brevin was in our bed, of course . . . and that sweet little boy laid his hand on my cheek and said "Mommie, you're beau-full!". He then proceeded to say "Daddy is nice . . . and hairy!"

Love that little guy!

I had to add what Brevin said last night . . . I was already in bed and Brevin came in crying . . . "Mommie, I don't like Daddy! He is mean and he is a tard! Go spank his bum! I like Haidyn, and I like Claitlyn (Caitlyn) and I like you and I like Dilyn, but I DON'T like Dad!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little boys are the best!
jacquie :)