Monday, March 22, 2010

Broken . . .

I didn't start out this way.

I used to be organized, on-the-ball, upbeat, happy, patient, friendly and kind. I could remember every facet of my children's lives, from parent teacher conferences to dance practices (without even consulting a calendar!). My house looked lived in but well-kept even though both my husband and I worked. I can't tell you exactly when I turned the corner into lazy, grumpy, ornery, just-doing-enough-to-get-by...but I've been there for some time now. Perhaps the slow descent was enough to fool me that nothing bad was happening. The biggest question is why? How did I let this happen to me and my family?

Am I overworked? Stressed out? Tired? Sure, but no more so than millions of other stay-at-home or working moms. So what the hell is my problem? My house looks like a perpetual tornado lives here (my4 children don't help, but I mean...seriously?). And you know what? Most of the time I just don't care. It drives my husband up a wall. He asks me all the time if I have seen such and such or so and so's room and I have, but I just don't care and I cannot for the life of me find the will or motivation to do anything about it anymore. Even when I do pick up the main areas, I feel it's a wasted effort. My children tear through the house leaving a wake of destruction behind them.

But I can't even just blame them. It's me. Working graves has taken it's toll on me, I am home during the day but so exhausted I usually don't even want to get out of bed, even on those days when I had the night off. My job as a mother is to keep the house at least reasonably tidy and I can't do it. I'm not lazy, I assure you. But now that the laundry is literally taking over, it overwhelms me to the point where I'm frozen and immobile. My kindergartner has missed 19 days of school this year . . . I have slacked and there is no excuse.

I am broken for many other reasons too. I suppose I shouldn't lay it all on the line right off the bat to keep this interesting. But you can probably name just about any area that a wife/mother/woman should find success or fulfillment in and I am nowhere near feeling successful or fulfilled. I feel like a complete and utter failure most days.

The purpose of this is going to be to find my way from Broken Mom to Whole, Happy, Healthy, Fulfilled Mom. I just have to find the courage to do it...


BS said...

Hey, you got this. You're definitely one of the people I look up to Tiff, and I know that you'll find the motivation!

Suzy J said...

I LOVE HONEST MOMS! I am sorry you are feeling broken, but, sigh, it is nice to not feel alone! I know you will find your way. Soul searching and stepping out on a limb. A little faith and turning it over to your higher power (what ever that is for you) My therapist once put me on a spiritual boot camp (it sucked) no tv or music (spiritual ok) until I could find my center and figure things out with out the distraction of the world. It was only supposed to be a week but it took 2 1/2 (stubborn) I flipped the bird at the boot camp for a while but I did get the center I needed and turn back to that when I need too (last resort:) It will get better. Just know that you inspire us and we are all here for you! :)

Howard Family said...

Tiffany, I feel you more than you know. I don't work graves but no the toll it can take on a family with mike working them, I would totally blame the graves and the four kids, I often feel like I cant clean or vaccume because I will wake mike, and it's hard for one person to keep up after 6 thats how I feel anyway. I am sorry your not feeling up to par, I am sure this will pass and you will get things back in order.

Christenson's said...

You can come look at my house etc and feel better. I feel the same about the laundry, it seems it is all I do lately and I'm drowning.... so I just do nothing as well..... I just keep thinking next week I will have a break and get the house cleaned up... Grave yards totally take a toll on you, and I think with older kids you expect they will help more then they do, and I think they also make a different kind of mess that seems harder to keep up with. Sorry your frustrated and feeling broken. Let me know if I can do anything to help.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Tiffy! I am sorry your pendulum is on a downswing right now. It does get tough at times. I only have two kids at home (three counting the husband) and I can't imagine trying to keep up with 4 (or 5 in your case). I know how frustrated I get a lot of times and I am sure working nights doesn't help. I am trying to make everyone more accountable and even though I feel like the wicked witch doing it, I shouldn't have to do it alone. Damnit! You aren't're just in a funk. I am finally coming out of mine. Maybe you need to do what I did...have a "coming to Jesus meeting" with the family. :D It wasn't pretty and they got their eyes opened, but I feel MUCH better. You can shoot me an email or chat with me anytime my love!